Loved this piece so much. I used to be an entrenched member of the social justice left. Over the years, I’ve watched my ideological peers prioritize individual identity over true betterment of the collective. They’d use activism to shame and moralize people, making otherwise good people feel isolated from their own political community. At a very base level, it’s just psychologically stupid lol- make people feel hated by their own and they will undoubtedly seek community elsewhere, even among the fundamentally different. But in a macro sense, it’s been detrimental to effecting change. Strength in numbers, and when you sow seeds of division rather than meeting people where they’re at, and helping them get down for the cause, they become apolitical or nihilistic. All that said……. I’m a patron of Red Scare and a total shitposter but I still have hope for goodness??? Hahah

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